Vegan Black Pudding in Spicy Sauce 香辣米Q糕 240g - 春水堂

Please note the BBD of this product is 22/ 08/2024. 
以春水堂招牌茶食為本,致力研發多款植基系列滷味聖品,佐以五辛香料倍添多元的層次豐富味覺享受,讓我們在一萬哩以外的英國各地,也能品嚐到台灣經典且風味地道的傳統美食,並兼顧守護大地之母 - 地球,一起品嚐蔬食滷味吧!


    Cooking Instruction:
    1. Defrost at room temperature for 3 hours.
    2. Remove outer sleeve and pierce film.
    3. DO NOT remove the film and put into microwave (700W) for 3 minutes.
    4. Open the film and ready to eat.